New video from 'Goblet of Fire'

  October 27, 2005 at 11:22 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via News Tip)
  harry potter and the goblet of fire, goblet of fire, daniel radcliffe, dan radcliffe, rupert grint, mike newell

A new snippet from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has appeared on Swedish TV4. The new video shows the Tri-Wizard Cup spewing out Harry's name, an interview with Dan Radcliffe talking about that scene, an interview with director Mike Newell discussing the darkness of the movie, Harry & Cho, the champions entering the Great Hall for the Yule Ball and Rupert discussing his dance moves.

To watch the video go hereopens in new window, scroll down the page & click on Dan & Emma's picture (on right-side of page).

Thanks to Anne-Marie for the tip.


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