There be forums here!

  November 25, 2003 at 2:56 PM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA

Now we've done it. Finally, HPANA has a free-for-all messageboard area! Chat with thousands of others about anything in the Harry Potter universe (and the muggle world too).

Lots of fun can be had in the Great Hall, maybe you'd like to promote your own site in Sonorus, or continue the great discussion of book 5 in the Phoenix Files.

Either way, you'll be sure to find something that fits your fancy! Help kick off this new era on HPANA by stopping in to join the ongoing conversations.

To the forums!

(P.S.: A huge thank you to the amazingly busy little bees from HPANA's original Phoenix Files for testing the new forums this past week and getting some great topics started!)


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