Update: Tom Felton and Emma Watson Disney interview now online

  September 24, 2003 at 12:02 PM ET
  grae     The Leaky Cauldron (via Disney.co.uk)

As reported earlier, Emma Watsonopens in new window and Tom Feltonopens in new window accepted the Best DVD award for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets at the Disney Channel Kids Awards 2003opens in new window, and now the site has an interview of both actors available for viewing hereopens in new window

Also, Spring Fairyopens in new window has posted some additional pics of Emma and Tom at the Kids Awards. I also have them posted at my Emma Watson Newsopens in new window website, if you'd like to see all the pictures together instead of clicking on each link (as long as my bandwidth holds out...).

Update: For those who couldn't hear the audio portion of the interview, Contra Veritasopens in new window posted the following transcript (thanks to kealani for pointing me to the site):

Emma: "Hi, I'm Emma Watson, I play Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films."

Tom: "Tom Felton, Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter. We just won the Best DVD!"

Emma: "Yes!"

Tom: "We're very happy about it, thanks to all the kids that voted for us."

Emma: "Yeah, thank you so, so, so much!"

Tom: "Look out for the film."

Emma: "Exactly."

Emma: "The Albert Hall is absolutely amazing, there's so many people. It's just so big and scary, and it's amazing."

Tom: "As soon as you step out onto the stage, you go a little bit, 'Please man, don't fall over!' sort of thing. Other than that it's alright."

Emma: "Yeah it's great, amazing."

Tom: "Well we were up against Lord of the Rings and other ones like that. I haven't seen Lord of the Rings, I'm sticking with Harry Potter at the moment so I'm glad we won it! I'm glad we can show that we had produced a better DVD!"

Emma: "Yeah!"


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