Questions needed for 'Azkaban' cast

  November 22, 2003 at 11:23 AM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via

Sirius from in new window has asked me to let you all know that they will attending an end-of-filming party for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and would like your questions for the cast.

Sirius is very sorry for the short notice but has this to say:

Here is a one in a million chance to have any burning questions you may have for Daniel Radcliffeopens in new window, Emma Watsonopens in new window, Rupert Grintopens in new window - in fact for any of the cast answered.

We are looking for the best 2 or 3 original questions which we will get answered and the full details posted next week.

Sunday, Nov. 23 is officially the final day of filming for the movie and to mark the event Warner Bros. are holding a private party for all the cast & crew, yes folks, all the guys will be there!

You can either send us an owlopens in new window, or feel free to use our feedback page with your questions. Please keep them as short and straightforward as possible.

So that means you don't have much time to send them your questions for the party, so get going.


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