Exclusive photos from the red carpet premiere of 'Harry Potter' 3

  May 24, 2004 at 2:39 AM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA
  harry potter premiere, harry potter red carpet, harry potter pictures

The premiere is over and the reviews are in: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is overwhelmingly satisfying.

HPANA reporters Geri Broggy, Dayna Rozental and JoAnna Black were all present at the premiere, and we have a look at the celebrity arrivals on the red carpet, outside Radio City Music Hall in New York City.

Dayna's arrival photos:

Geri's arrival photos:

JoAnna attended the after-party and we hope to have pictures of that special event soon! Enjoy these wonderful photos, exclusive to HPANA (read: please don't copy without credit).

Other galleries online include:

Thanks again to Geri, JoAnna and Dayna for all their hard work at the premiere (if going to the premiere can be called "hard work" wink.)


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