Update: Pictures from the UK premiere of 'Prisoner'

  May 30, 2004 at 3:00 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Various)
  harry potter premiere, harry potter london premiere, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban uk premiere

As the pictures continue roll in, here's a quick list of sources from the gala opening of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban that took place in London today. In attendance were the stars of the movie as well as author JK Rowling. Enjoy!

RedCarpetPictures.comopens in new window

WireImageopens in new window

Getty Imagesopens in new window

Yahoo! Newsopens in new window

EmpireOnline picturesopens in new window & articleopens in new window

CBBC Newsround picturesopens in new window & articleopens in new window

BBC News picturesopens in new window & articleopens in new window

Additional BBC News articleopens in new window in which Daniel states that he thinks that David Heyman was misquoted when he said that the trio would not be finishing the movies.

Also, HPANA scored some exclusive photos of the red carpet arrivals, thanks to Lynese and Page from DanRadcliffe.co.ukopens in new window:

Update: The crew from Contra Veritasopens in new window have kindly provided some images of the premiere hoopla and up-close, in-your-face photos of the actors from the red carpet as they signed autographs for fans:


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