Daniel, Emma & Rupert at DVD launch
Daniel, Emma & Rupert at DVD launch

Reports, photos, video from 'Azkaban' DVD launch party

  November 18, 2004 at 4:20 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Various)
  poa dvd launch party, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban dvd, daniel radcliffe, emma watson, rupert grint

The DVD launch party for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban took place today at the Honourable Society of Middle Temple in London, and pictures of the event have surfaced online.

  1. Getty Imagesopens in new window posted the first of many for your viewing pleasure that show Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint arriving to the event via the Knight Bus.
  2. More come courtesy of EmmaWatson-Fans.comopens in new window and London Features Internationalopens in new window. (Thanks to Veritaserumopens in new window for the links.)
  3. CBBC Newsround has alerted us to all their coverage: Gossipopens in new window, Summaryopens in new window, Celebrity Gallery (16 photos)opens in new window and Set Gallery (10 photos)opens in new window
  4. Wire Imageopens in new window has uploaded over 45 pictures which include guests as well as stars at the launch.
  5. Web site Harry Loves Hermioneopens in new window has posted some very hi-res pictures of the event.
  6. DanRadcliffe.co.uk has posted even more very hi-res photosopens in new window including:
  7. TV show "Extra" has posted a Quicktime videoopens in new window that features quips from Emma and Rupert along with a glimpse of some of the DVD extras.
  8. Melissa of The Leaky Cauldron has posted Part 1 of their written report with picturesopens in new window.
  9. The BBC has uploadedopens in new window new pictures featuring Chris Rankin & others.
  10. Reuters has a video from the launch with interviews with Daniel, Emma & Alfonso.
  11. Veritaserum has postedopens in new window a video and transcript of interviews done with Harry Potter cast members at last weeks Prisoner DVD launch party.



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