New set report from 'Goblet of Fire'

  March 19, 2005 at 11:00 AM ET
  Geri     The Leaky Cauldron (via Philippine Daily Inquirer)
  harry potter and the goblet of fire, goblet of fire, daniel radcliffe, emma watson, rupert grint, stanislav ianevski, robert pattinson, mike newell, david heyman

A new set report from the Philippine Daily Inquirer has surfacedopens in new window in which they describe their visit to the set of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire where they met with stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Robert Pattinson, Stanislav Ianevski, producer David Heyman and director Mike Newell.

Daniel, Rupert and Emma on the movies, fan mail and the new director:

    Daniel on playing Harry Potter: "I love acting because it's the only thing that I've been really good at. I have more confidence when I'm acting than when I'm doing anything that I would be doing at school, like [maybe] sports or writing."
    Rupert on fan mail: "I saw loads that just came; it has gone quite a little bit more. And I do read them." His voice has become noticeably bigger. "The most interesting things are the gifts that people send me. I get quite a lot of pajamas (laughs). It's a bit weird."
    Emma on Mike Newell: "He brings a real sense of British boarding school sensibility to the film. We never really had a sense of that before. He also brings a lot of humor. This book ... when I read it, felt very dark. I think Mike noticed this. He really worked through the script carefully and picked out the humor where he could."

The article also mentions Katie Leung, Robert Pattinson and Stanislav Ianevski with David Heyman commenting on Katie:

    "We actually found our Cho Chang in Scotland. Katie Leung is a young Scottish lady of Chinese heritage. She speaks the most beautiful, softest Scottish accent-it's really lovely."

New director Mike Newell discusses how he watched the previous movies to help him come up with his own ideas:

    "...So what I did was stop thinking who was first and who was last and that kind of competitive, going up the steps thing, and simply thought to myself, what do you really adore about this story? And you make a film that way. I adored seeing these kids growing up."

You can read about the rest of the visit hereopens in new window.


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