Update: MP3 samples of 'GoF' soundtrack

  October 20, 2005 at 5:12 PM ET
  eudaemonia     HPANA (via At Ease Web)
  harry potter and the goblet of fire movie, goblet of fire movie, movie 4, radiohead, music, pulp, jarvis cocker, phil selway, jonny greenwood, steve claydon, jason buckle

At Easeopens in new window, an unofficial Radiohead fan site, has gotten hold of an exclusive file sampleopens in new window of a song that will be featured in the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie soundtrack. The 38-second MP3 file is a snippet of the Yule Ball band's song, This Is The Night:

You still look good to me
Ooh but you're no good for me
I close my eyes and
Squeeze you from my consciousness
And in the morning when I wake
I walk the line
I walk it straight
But the morning's so many miles away

Lyrics to This Is The Nightopens in new window (Right-click to save the mp3 file.)

UPDATE: The clip has now been replaced by the full version of the song and the first track, The Story Continuesopens in new window, has also been added.

UPDATE 2: It seems the tracks were available only for a limited time. Luckily, our friends over at MuggleNetopens in new window have the two tracks available in a zip fileopens in new window.


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