The Dark Mark
The Dark Mark

The Dark Mark has been cast!

  November 3, 2005 at 10:44 AM ET
  eudaemonia     HPANA (via News Tip)
  harry potter and the goblet of fire movie, goblet of fire movie, movie 4

The Dark Markopens in new window portion of the Warner Bros. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire website has been launched. It has some general information about the dark mark, the dark arts, death eaters, and Wormtail (which I'm sure most of you know by now). However by navigating through its campsite and graveyard sections and selecting certain parcels, you can grab some wallpapers and buddy icons or send a "dark secret" message to warn others or show your support of You-Know-Who's return.

You can check out the site hereopens in new window. Thanks to Imperium for the tip.


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