'Goblet of Fire'
'Goblet of Fire'

'GoF' exceeds 'CoS' in worldwide box office receipts

  January 29, 2006 at 7:55 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA
  harr potter and the goblet of fire, goblet of fire

With only 10 weeks in movie theatres, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has exceeded Chamber of Secrets in worldwide box office ticket sales. Chamber of Secretsopens in new window was in theatres for 24 weeks and had a grand total of $876.6 million in ticket sales, while Goblet of Fireopens in new window currently has a worldwide tally of $879.4 million.

The current total puts the movie at the number eight spotopens in new window on the list of all time worldwide grosses.


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