David Heyman
David Heyman

David Heyman discusses 'HBP' delay & split of 'Deathly Hallows' in new interview

  December 4, 2008 at 11:23 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via SciFi Wire)
  david Heyman, Harry Potter, Half-Blood Prince, deathly hallows, hpdh, hphbp

In a new interviewopens in new window with Harry Potter producer David Heyman, Mr. Heyman discusses the reason for the delay in the release of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, as well as the decision to split the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Mr. Heyman on the delayed release of the Half-Blood Prince movie:

No need to [do more work]. If we had to come out now, we'd be fine. Warners asked it because of the writers' strike, because of various reasons. They have a shortage of product for next summer, and they asked if it's OK [to delay the release].

Mr. Heyman on the decision to split the release of Deathly Hallows:

It's not about breaking them into two. It's just the schedule is such that I guess it's long. There's more, so there's a lot of downtime without him. It's going well. It's great. I'm very, very lucky to be involved with it.

Ultimately there was always going to be two-year gap either between V and VI or between VI and VII: Part One. Now there's a two-year gap between V and VI, and there'll be 18 months between VI and VII: Part One.

Mr. Heyman is currently in Beverly Hills, Calif., where he was promoting the comedy Yes Man, where he also mentioned that he will be doing a film with Alfonso CuarĂ³n.


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