'Harry Potter' included in 'Details' magazine 'Power & Influence' issue

  November 27, 2007 at 6:30 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via News Tip)
  harry potter books, harry potter movies, jk rowling, jo rowling, jkr

The December issue of Detailsopens in new window magazine, titled the 'Power and Influence' issue, includes a list of the year’s top 50 most influential men under 45 and at number 41 is fictional character Harry Potter.

According to the article:

41 // Harry Potter
Wizard; Age: 17
Nine years after her fictional boy wizard first cast his spell in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, J.K. Rowling is the wealthiest author in history. On July 21, fans who had camped out in front of bookstores overnight finally got hold of the seventh and final installment of the series. Across the United States, 8.3 million copies (worth a total of nearly of $170 million) sold within 24 hours. Warner Bros., which has grossed $.47 billion worldwide on the first five film versions, has two more movies in production. And while there's speculation that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows represents the book industry's last gasp, Potter himself will live on - through a theme park in Orlando, Florida, and a musical in London's West End. This wizard will continue to work his financial magic for some time.

Editor's Note: Contrary to what is mentioned above there are currently no plans for a musical version of the book in production.

Additional mentions are Zac Efron, Shia LaBoeuf, Google and YouTube founders and the Disney Kids. This issue will hit newsstands on December 4th.

Thanks to Laura from Details for the news.


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