Fiona Shaw on acting and Harry Potter

  July 29, 2003 at 8:36 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via The Sunday Herald)

Well known to legions of Harry Potter fans as Aunt Petunia, Fiona Shawopens in new window, currently in Scotland rehearsing Chekhov's The Seagull for this year’s Edinburgh Festivalopens in new window, comments on her acting careeropens in new window, growing up in Ireland and how she is recognized everywhere because of the Harry Potter films.

The Potter franchise has had some effect on her life:

"It's all-pervasive, it's everywhere I go. The other day I was having my dinner out of doors at a medieval festival near Assisi. I was with all these people wearing medieval garments; and of course in no time a thousand little boys under ten came up. It's amazing how they spot me... but it's not a bad thing."


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