ABCNEWS wants your headaches

  November 6, 2003 at 5:48 PM ET
  grae     Moreover (via ABC News)

As reported last week, Dr. Howard J. Bennett had noticed that several of his younger patients seem to be afflicted with recurring headaches, apparently caused by tilted necks and poor lighting while reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. And now ABCNEWS wants to knowopens in new window if you or your children have experienced the dreaded "Hogwarts headache."

In a letter to The New England Journal of Medicine last week Dr. Howard J. Bennett of the George Washington University Medical Center gave the diagnosis a name: "Hogwarts headache."

He said three otherwise healthy children patients complained of headaches for two to three days last summer, after they had been reading the 870-page Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for hours on end.

Have you or your children suffered from Hogwarts Headache? E-mail us. ABCNEWS would like to speak with you for an upcoming story. If you are interested in speaking with an ABCNEWS producer, please contact us and include phone number(s) where you can be reached. We may also use your comments in our coverage on

You can visit ABCNEWS' website hereopens in new window to send them your story. [Ed: A producer may be looking through the comments left on the original HPANA post as well, but if you submit your story on ABC's site, let them know you hail from here.]


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