Jamie and Devon
Jamie and Devon

Collectormania event 'a great day'

  October 3, 2004 at 8:26 PM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA
  collectormania 6, jamie waylett, devon murray, matthew lewis, phelps twins

Some of HPANA's British members attended Collectormania 6opens in new window this weekend and dutifully snapped some photos.

In attendance were Harry Potter stars Devon Murray (Seamus Finnigan), James and Oliver Phelps (Fred and George Weasley), Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom) and Jamie Waylett (Vincent Crabbe).

HPANA member Phil sent in a few pictures along with a short report:

I arrived at the large shopping centre in the town of Milton Keynes, just north of London, at just gone 10 p.m. and on entering was faced by large crowds of eager fans wanting to see their favorite stars. I met up with several other HPANA members, who were all lovely and equally as excited as myself.

There was a Q&A session where everyone talked about how they were very like a family, how Matthew was clumsy like his character, and how they enjoy playing pranks on each other whilst on and off the set. Devon also spoke very fondly of his six horses and the new foul... saying his favorite was a horse called Ash, and then embarrassing his mother by pointing her out in the crowd.

After this we made our way back over to where they were signing autographs, and I got the Phelps brothers, while other people in my group got some of the others.

Over all it was a great day out and I would highly recommend that if you have a chance to go to the one early next year, go for it.


Devon and Jamieopens in new window
Matthew, Jamie and Devonopens in new window
Phelps brothers with Phil and friendopens in new window
Autographs from Oliver and Jamesopens in new window
Phelps twins signing autographsopens in new window

Thanks to Phil for her report.


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