Rowling warns fans about fake HP merchandise

  September 7, 2005 at 3:36 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via
  harry potter ebay, ebay harry potter, jk rowling autograph, harry potter autograph

JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter books, has updatedopens in new window her web site with a warning to all her fans about the fraudulent number of autographed & unauthorised items that have appeared for sale on eBay.

From the update:

A recent perusal of the e-Bay stocks of 'signed' Harry Potter merchandise was quite alarming for the person who allegedly signed these stacks of books, posters and even, in one case, an unauthorised biography that I would never, and have never, put my signature to. As far as I could tell on the day I dropped in, only one of the signatures on offer appeared genuine. There seem to be a lot of people out there trying to con Harry Potter fans. The same is true in respect to the huge number of unauthorised Harry Potter e-Books and audio digital files that users of e-Bay have offered for sale to Harry Potter fans.

I would be delighted if the online community of Harry Potter fans canvassed e-Bay directly, asking that they be protected against this exploitation.


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