JK Rowling
JK Rowling

Radio interview with Rowling & Fry

  November 30, 2005 at 3:36 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via News Tip)
  harry potter, jk rowling, stephen fry

UK radio station, BBC4 will have a 30-minute interviewopens in new window with Harry Potter author JK Rowling and the voice behind the UK audio books, Stephen Fry. The program Living with Harry Potter will air on December 10th at 9 am & repeat on December 24th at 5 pm.

According to the web site:

In a rare recorded conversation, J K Rowling and Stephen Fry, the voice of the books on tape, discuss the process of bringing their creation to life on and off the page.

Thanks to Scott for the tip.


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