Christian Coulson (Tom Riddle)
Christian Coulson (Tom Riddle)

Interview with Christian Coulson on 'CoS,' 'HBP'

  February 23, 2006 at 6:00 PM ET
  eudaemonia     HPANA (via BBC - Norfolk Kids)
  harry potter and the chamber of secrets, tom riddle, tom marvolo riddle, chris coulson, hbp, cos, chamber of secrets, half blood prince, tom riddle jr

While touring the UK's theatre stages, Christian Coulsonopens in new window from the Chamber of Secrets movie recently gave an interview with BBC Norfolk. The actor who portrayed Tom Riddle on the screen fondly reminisces about his experiences auditioning and filming for the 2nd Harry Potter movie. Here are some excerpts from the interviewopens in new window:

"I hadn't read the books until I auditioned. The auditions took six months. They saw about a thousand people, but in the end they got down to three and then they camera tested me and that was it. By the time the call came it had been going on for so long it was a relief."

When Christian got that all important phone call to say he'd landed the part, it was all very exciting. "The first film wasn't out, but obviously it was starting to build as an idea. Of course it was exciting, the part really chimed with me when I read the book and I felt very strongly there were some things I could bring to it".

Additionally, Christian expressed hopes to make a return for Half-Blood Prince:

"I'd love to do it again," said Christian.

"When a friend rang to tell me to read the sixth book because [Tom Riddle] was in it again it was exciting - but who knows," he added.

Make sure to visit BBC Norfolkopens in new window in order to read the full article or watch the (RealPlayer video file) interview with Christian.

Thanks to Martin for the heads up!


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