Heyman discusses the smallest parts & Yates talks 'HBP' character

  October 4, 2007 at 10:16 PM ET
  Geri     HPANA (via Various)
  harry potter and the half-blood prince movie, half-blood prince movie, hbp movie, david heyman, david yates

In with a new interview with Harry Potter producer David Heyman, Heyman briefly discussesopens in new window the notable British thespians in the films and the fact that no matter the character or role they are all treated the same:

The smallest part is treated with the same attention and care as the lead roles. Not just in the casting, but also the directing.

Thanks to TLCopens in new window for letting us know about another interviewopens in new window in which director David Yates says that he has found the person to play a young Riddle. The piece does mention that Ralph Fiennes' nephew, Titan Tiffin, has been cast as Tom Riddle:

I've found a really interesting kid to play Riddle. I can't tell you who it is yet - it's early days.

Please treat Yates' comments as rumor till confirmed by the studios.


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