Emma Watson
Emma Watson

Emma Watson updates official website with 'DH' news

  November 5, 2008 at 8:21 PM ET
  Jeremy     HPANA (via SnitchSeeker)
  Emma Watson, Harry Potter, Deathly Hallows, Tale of Desperaux,

Emma Watson has updatedopens in new window her official website today with news that she has already begun preparations for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which she will start filming this Feburary. Also noting her excitment about applying for college and the release of her new film, The Tale of Desperaux.

I'm currently trying to apply for uni, so reading lots and lots at home and starting to get very excited about the release of The Tale of Despereaux which is coming up in December. ALTHOUGH... I keep getting distracted as I have started re reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in preparation for the start of filming in February and can't put it down. Reading it for a second time has made it no less addictive.

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