Emma Watson
Emma Watson

Emma Watson may revisit 'Beauty and the Beast' with Guillermo Del Toro

  July 18, 2011 at 4:39 PM ET
  Jeremy     HPANA (via ComingSoon)
  Emma Watson, Beauty and the Beast, Guillermo Del Toro, Denise Di Novi, Harry Potter,

Here's an excellent bit of news to cure your post-Deathly Hallows blues. In a press conference for the upcoming Crazy, Stupid, Love producer Denise Di Novi mentioned thatopens in new window she was preparing for a Beauty and the Beast project with Guillermo Del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth), and had Emma Watson lined up to star.

While exact details on the project are almost non-existant, Del Toro is currently preparing to go into production on Pacific Rim, although it is unclear whether Del Toro would act as director, writer, producer, or all three. Emma Watson, meanwhile, recently finished filming for Perks of Being a Wallflower, so her participation would seem more doable.

This is clearly huge news, so we can expect follow up questions and information to come very soon, and we'll be sure to have it all for you right here.

Thanks to ComingSoonopens in new window for the information!


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