Update: 'Azkaban' poster in Canadian magazine

  October 1, 2003 at 11:59 AM ET
  Cheeser     HPANA (via Tip from reader)

JD sent in a tip pointing us to The Magazine - Not For Adultsopens in new window, which claims to have a poster for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in their October 2003 issue, on newsstands now:

I just found this Canadian kids magazine web site which says it will have a POSTER of the new AZKABAN movie. I don't know if it is true, but here is the linkopens in new window, scroll down until you see Hillary Duff's head.

The magazine is available at A&P and Safeway stores in Canada. Update: The editor of the magazine contacted me to say it is not an official poster and offers this description:

"The poster is from the upcoming film, as WB are one of our sponsors. I believe it ran in a Time article a few weeks (months?) ago. It shows Harry, Hermoine, and Ron peering around a brick wall. Hope this clears things up."

The image in question is indeed one of the previously released images, seen hereopens in new window. The Magazine - Not For Adults respectfully requests that readers do not call inquiring about the poster. Please purchase the magazine if you'd like to see a copy!


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