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Krum on disabled list

Bulgarian could miss start of Quidditch season

Thursday, April 1, 2004 Posted: 12:01 AM EST
Ron Weasley
Ronald Weasley comments on Krum's status.

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Viktor Krum

BULGARIA (PNN) -- After a freak accident involving a quill, a bottle of ink and an overzealous owl, Bulgarian Quidditch star Viktor Krum could miss the beginning of the Quidditch season.

Krum was placed on the Disabled List after hyper-extending his index finger and thumb, an injury that could mean disaster for a Seeker.

"I do not know vat happened," said Krum. "I vas writing a scroll to a close friend, and ven this owl svooped in. It all happened so fast! Next thing I knew, I vas being attacked by this horrible old owl that kept crashing into things."

He showed genuine signs of disappointment at having to miss team practices this week. "All I know is that ven I tried to pull the owl off of my head, it vent so crazy that I could not keep a hold onto its foot. Then it suddenly flew away -- very strange. And it did not even have a letter to deliver!"

When questioned about who he was writing was to, Krum became very grim and refused to answer any further questions.

"I think it's terrific! If he misses out on the season opener, then perhaps England has a shot of winning!" exclaimed Quidditch fan Ronald Weasley when asked for his reaction. "I'm sure it's such a shame that his letter never got to its intended destination, but I'm sure she'll -- I mean, that person will get over it. Besides, who really cares about Krum, anyways?"

It is unclear how long Krum will remain on the DL, which has caused much apprehension for his teammates. Doctors expressed confidence that he would be back on his broom in time to take on England for the season opener.

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